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Showing posts from July, 2021

Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) is getting out of control

  With summer here we need to be more careful about how we transfer our watercraft, trailers etc. from one water source to another. Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) is one of eight types of milfoil aquatic plants found in Michigan that is not native to Michigan. EWM has been in the US since the 1960’s. This invasive water plant grows quickly and forms a thick mat or canopy below the water and on top of the water. EWM kills off native plants, hinders fish, waterfowl and affects the water quality. The plants spread by floating on the water or attaching themselves to boats, motors, trailers, water crafts, bait buckets and fishing equipment. The EWM causes problems for boaters, swimmers and fishermen. Lake organizations and local areas can effectively treat milfoil with selected chemicals early in the summer before plants flower. Some ponds and lakes find hand pulling and removing the milfoil from the water a simple and effective control method for small areas. Harvesting, raking or screen...